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Nothing Will Ever Be Same Again

by Patsy Cameneti.

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Nothing Will Ever Be The Same AgainBack in early March 2020, Patsy gotthis word in her heart. “Nothing will ever be the same again”. We had no idea at that time just how profound that statement would prove to be, and since then we have all in some way uttered something like that statement. How do we navigate these daysof constant change? Are we simply wanting things to go back to how they were? Or is there something bigger in the plan of God that is to take place?


In this message, Patsy uses the example of the Hebrew children and their Exodus from Egypt. God’s plan was not to keep the Hebrewscomfortable in Egypt, but to have themreleased from slavery into the promised land. During this time of great change, there is something bigger going on than just our own comfort. God has a grand purpose that is propelling the earth towards the Coming of the Lord!God willtake care of you in the present situation, but His plan affects all of humanity both in our time and for all time.Letthis message encourage you to pray with the mind of Christduring these days or great change. Let’s not instruct God on what to do. Let’s get in our place of watching and praying andcooperatewith the plan of God which will impact the entire earth in preparation for His coming!What made the Hebrew nation grow was not a life of comfort. It was in fact a hostile environment that caused them to cry out to God for deliverance. And God sent Moses! Even then, it took a while for God to get them on His page for their exodus out of Egypt and in to the Promised land. There was something bigger going on –more than just about their slavery in Egypt. They were wanting things to be nicer in Egypt. God’s plan was not to keep then happy in Wgypt but to be released from Egypt into the promised land. Not make it better God had a higher program, He wanted exodus for them!What is bigger than what’e going on in the natural –a grander purpose than just our short term comfort.God’s plan impacts the eternity of every human


God can take care of you in the present situation, but His plan affects all of humanity both in our time and for all time.Joseph wasn’t moved to pray and speak to the drought and for everything to go back to how it was before. What made the Hebrews grow was not an easy life, but a rather hostile environment! And as they lifted their voice to cry out to God about their situation God rasied up Moses whobecame a We are in a great cyle of events –god’s big calendar Things aren’t going back to the way it was before. HE has a great plan for our future but He is not going to put things back the way they were. There are bigger things at stake!How do we know what they are? Could it be that God has a bigger plan. Propelling us toward the return of Jesus Christ.Let’s pray with the mind of Christ we’ve been given access to and help usher in the plan of God that will impact the entire earth in preparation for His coming! Let’s not instruct God on what to do. Lets get in our watch place to cooperate with the plan of God. Have an ear to the voice that is going to speak.

Nothing Will Ever Be Same Again

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    © 2021 Cameneti Ministries, All Rights Reserved © Haylie Noel Photography (images of Tony and Patsy)

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