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A Continual Feast

I like how God shows us things in His Word that produce results. I especially like the possibilities of living life in a continual feast mode. We get a clue from the below verse as to how we can live life in a continual feast.

Proverbs 15:15 All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast. (ESV)

Here are some thoughts about a continual feast:

  • The above verse isn’t implying we won’t have challenges in our lives.

  • What we learn from this scripture is “what” to do when challenges come along.

  • Life presents financial, relationship, health challenges, and so on.

  • Each challenge we face could rob us of our joy.

  • When we choose to be joyful, it’s then that we enter the continual feast life.

  • The challenge may not go away immediately, yet we continue to choose joy over pity.

In 1993, we arrived in Sicily and I arrived with a serious health challenge in a country that speaks a different language. In the middle of the night I began laughing and releasing God’s joy. My heart was cheerful.

God touched my body and immediately I was better, and He also gave me something practical to do the next day that turned my situation for the good.

Living life with a cheerful heart makes for a continual feast.

Every blessing to each of you,


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