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We’ve all grown up in a world that administers various kinds of tests. They test you at all levels of school, they test you when applying for a job, they test you at the doctor’s office.

You would think with all those tests in life we wouldn’t have to have any in our relationship with God. However, when reading the Bible, we run into scriptures that reveal we are tested.

Proverb 27:21 The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by his praise.

This is an unusual test, it isn’t an intelligence, health, or athletic test we see in this scripture. It’s instead a humility test.

Some other translations of this scripture say it this way:

Proverbs 27:21…man is tested by the praise he receives. (NIV)

Prov. 27:21…The purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame. (MSG)

Here are a few thoughts about tests:

  • How we respond to both criticism and praise affects our Christian walk.

  • It’s been said that each Christian would benefit by learning to stay steady when being praised or criticized.

  • The Lord Himself takes note of how we respond to praise.

  • What kind of response would the Lord be pleased with?

  • The Lord is always pleased with a humble response to praise.

As the Lord uses each of us for His glory, let’s continue to stay humble, be thankful for encouragement and affirmation and always give the glory back to Him.

Every blessing to each of you,


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